Production Base

Haikou Production Base

Haikou production base is located in Haikou, Hainan Province. It occupies a total operational area of approximately 19,163 square metres with a production capacity of 1,200 litres, which is sufficient for clinical and initial marketing needs. The plant has an operational area consisting of a clean area for processing, a controlled-not-classified (CNC) area for supporting activities, utility rooms, quality control laboratories, warehouse and administrative offices and R&D laboratories for on-going and new product development projects. GMP inspection at our Haikou production base (a necessary requirement for BLA approval) was completed in January 2024.

Suzhou Production Base

We purchased a piece of land of 43,158 square metres in Suzhou Dushu Lake High Education Town in China in June 2020. The land is used for constructing the Group’s PRC headquarters, an R&D centre as well as another production base, and the total floor area would be of approximately 75,000 square metres. This new Suzhou campus consists of commercial manufacturing facilities, a pilot plant, an R&D centre, a quality control centre, a clinical study centre and an administration building. The new production base would be of commercial-scale manufacturing facilities and is currently under construction. The superstructure works have been completed in December 2021. Completion inspection is expected to be approved in 2024 for the grant of Real Estate Ownership Certificate.